Friday, November 15, 2013

Alternative Health Products, Newsletters & Advice


Curcumin is a bioactive component & a main ingredient of the spice turmeric. It is the most widely studied of all the phytochemicals which are  compounds made by plants and which can impact health. A statistical analysis of over 3 million studies showed curcumin to be the most frequently mentioned phytonutrient. Why is there so much interest? Because the array of potential beneifts is amazing. Read on to learn about the remarkable healing qualities of this natural substance which has been used for several thousand years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
Curcumin has also emerged as a leading cancer prevention natural substance. It sets in motion the process of programmed cell destruction (apoptosis) and blocks the new blood vessel growth tumors need to thrive & spread (angiogenesis).   Studies have shown Curcumin:
  • Helps to inhibit osteoclast formation (osteoclasts break down bone)
  • Inhibits leukotriene formation (an inflammation causing chemical in the body.) inhibiting platelet clumping, & prompting the dissolution of clots.
  • Has exhibited potent antioxidant activities.
  • May protect against environmental carcinogens, especially cigarette smoke.
  • Has anti-inflammatory effects which may partially be related to making more cortisol available from the adrenal gland or improving responsiveness to cortisol.
  • Helps to decrease the inflammation causing tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a).
  • Combined with soy may help prevent hormone-related cancers.
  • In animal studies exhibits anti-mutagenic & anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Affects bile output from the gallbladder.
Curcumin has been the subject of numerous studies involving cancer prevention.

Super Bio-Curcumin with BCM-95® by Life Extension is absorbed up to seven times better than conventional curcumin, making this patented formula the most cost-effective way to supplement with this critical nutrient.

For more information or to order click on Super Bio-Curcumin with BCM-95®